A competent person has to ifs and buts in his vocabulary. 有能力的人的词典里面没有“如果”和“但是”这些字眼。
I am itching for a chance to cooperate with Mike. I hear he's a very competent person. 我很想找机会和迈克合作一次。听说他特别能干。
I like to stand alone competent specially some confident person. 我喜欢有些有自信的人的特立独行。
I hear hes a very competent person. 我是一个有能力的人。
Of all the applicants, the most competent person will fill the vacant position. 这个空缺将由应征者中最能干者填补。
Controlled documents are reviewed by a competent person and approved by an authorized person. 受控文件由有资格职人员评审、由授权人员批准。
Even the most competent sometimes leave the s off the third person singular. 即便是那些英语非常好的人有时也会忘记在第三人称单数形式后加上s。
It is still possible for there to be no available competent person, but this problem cannot be blamed on distribution arrangements. 但是还是有可能找不到可以胜任的人的情况,但是这个问题不能怪罪传播的方法。
He could not be considered as a competent person to mount any abrasive wheel. 该名工人并非装置任何砂轮的合资格人员。
Actually, only every competent person finishes one part of the mission, entirely whole program get done. 事实上每个人都是完成了工作的一个部分一个方面,而合在一起才有了团队的成功。
A competent person was appointed to supervise the whole dismantling process. 一名合资格人士获任命监督整项拆卸工序。
These last two levels, and especially the expert, can quickly come to resent practice-based initiatives, in exactly the same way that the competent person resents being given task-level detail. 最后的两个层次和特殊的专家等级,会很快的对基于实践的倡议感到反感,确切的说,如同熟练者在被给予任务级别的细节是感到反感一样。
Actions to be taken about personnel who could be introducing undue microbiological hazard should be decided by a designated competent person. 对可能带来微生物污染的人的处理措施,要由指定的合格的人员作出决定。
The competent person defines best practices. 处于“胜任”水平的人可以制定最佳实践。
And the competent authorities shall impose disciplinary sanction on the violator, and also on the person who is in charge of the business operating unit. 主管部门应当对直接责任人和经营单位负责人给予行政处分。
Only my worth as a competent, proficient, capable agent is at stake not my worth as a person. 有能力之人,而不是人的价值,审慎对于我来说,只有当。
A speech and language therapist is the most competent person to assess a patient with abnormal communication. 言语治疗师对交流障碍患者的评估是最有权威的。
The right to inheritance or legacy of a competent person shall be exercised on his Behalf by his statutory agent. 无行为能力人的继承权、受遗赠权,由他的法定代理人代为行使。
One could argue that you have to be very careful of conflicts of interest with a European running the institution, he said, adding that the sole criterion should be who is the most competent person for the job. 人们可以辩称,让欧洲人执掌该机构,你得非常小心利益冲突,他表示。他补充说,唯一的遴选标准应当是谁是该职位最称职的人选。
In a more obvious way, communication involves others in the sense that a competent communicator considers what the other person needs and expects when selecting messages to share. 以一种更加明显的方式,交际在某种意义上包括其他人:有能力的交际者在选择信息分享时,通常考虑另一个人的的需要与期盼。
Except under the supervision of a competent person. 但在合格的人督下行除外。
So, when they ask you questions about which person should be on the quiz show, people say the more competent person. 因此,当他们问你,觉得谁应该去参加这个智力竞猜节目,你们会说更有能力的人应该去。
The owner of a suspended working platform shall ensure that it is not erected, dismantled or the structure as originally designed altered, except under the supervision of a competent person. 吊船的拥有人须确保,除非在合资格的人监督下,否则不得架设或拆卸吊船,或将其原设计的结构更改。
Seizure shall take place at the request of the public prosecutor, or any other competent authority, or any interested party, whether a natural person or a legal entity, in conformity with the domestic legislation of each country. 扣押应依检察官或其他主管机关或有关当事人(论为然人或法人)请求,按照各国本国法进行。
The competent authority shall revoke the license of a person having been convicted by the court in a final and conclusive judgment of any of the violations set forth in the first or second paragraph. 违反第一项、第二项规定,经法院判决有罪确定者,主管机关应废止其制造许可。
The second is to put the most competent person in the most suitable position. 第二是把最适合的人放在最适合的位置。
If the restrictions under the preceding paragraph means the revocation of fishery and fishing permit, the competent authority shall pay appropriate compensation to the fishery person imposed the restrictions. 前项限制,如系撤销其渔业经营,并注销渔业证照者,主管机关予以相当之补偿。
The Necessity to Implement the Strategy on Competent Person Combating Desertification 论实施能人治沙战略的必要性